I recently bought this from
Clever HomeMaking and have been using it with Hannah and it is working out really well. Instead of stickers to put in the space when she has completed a chore, I hot glued small heavy duty magnets to glass "pebbles" They are very pretty, and sparkly things makes Hannah happy. She has certain jobs and chores she does every day and when she completes it, she gets one glass pebble and at the end of the week I tally up the glass pebbles and she gets a "chore buck" for every 10 pebbles she earned. She has the choice to go to the dollar store after $5, she can also go to Target after $10 or go out on a Daddy/Daughter ice cream date with Jonathan (which works out for me because I miss out on all of those calories and I get some time alone) It's a Win-Win-Win!! I just need to stay on top of it so she can accumulate her bucks. And Kim from Clever homemaking is SUPER accommodating to exactly what you want in your Chore system. You can buy her system in her
Etsy Shop.
Teach Mama is cool website for ideas on teaching your kids through play, art, etc. and Amy has this neat post on:
Playing on Positive Behavior..How neat of an idea is this?? Each child gets to have their own see through container and when they are displaying good behavior, the parent gives the child a glass pebble to put in the jar. When it is filled they get the reward.
Do you have any ideas of encouraging good behavior? Or any ideas on how your reward your child for their chores/responsibilities?? I would love to hear from you!