Soooo......our dog can be obnoxious...especially when she knows she is about to go for a walk. If we skip a day her total attitude changes. Grumpiness and depression set in.
She can be hyper when people come over, or when we first come home or when we spell W-A-L-K. And now we have to whisper it because she knows what that spells.
A day or so ago it was time for that "W" word and she knew it. I had the leash in hand with a bag and Molly was barking non-stop. If I stand by the door she will usually come over so I can put her leash on. She was hovering around the door way and barking....A LOT. I didn't feel like raising my voice and tried encouraging her to come to me. It wasn't working.
Finally, Hannah yelled, "Molly, In the Name of Jesus, STOP BARKING"! A couple seconds later she stopped. Hey, I'll take it!
We went on our walk and now because I laughed at that Hannah uses, "In the Name of Jesus" quite frequently! You would think that we are Baptist or something.